International agreed to let us hold bronze lean certification review classes
We have a facilitator all lined up .Our chapter 148 member Tom Southworth we can be the center for lean certification in the state… ASQ the Quality Society has just joined with SME – AME and the Shingo prize people to promote this certification, so it is truly an international certification…
If you are interested e mail me at:
Bronze Lean Certification Review & Exam
Bronze Lean Certification Review & Exam
This is a two-day event, the exam is 4 hours on the 3rd day...
The Lean Certification Program, sponsored by AME, ASQ, SME, and Shingo Prize, is an opportunity to incorporate a solid foundation of training and validation of knowledge/experience for your Lean Journey. Lean Certification will standardize practices within organizations, regardless of size or industry. This program is a credential and was designed by industry for industry. It is a standard against which professional lean competencies are measured. The certification is targeted to companies on lean journeys, and to lean champions, practitioners and consultants charged with facilitating those lean transformations.
Lean Certification is awarded based on experience, education, and mentoring. This review course will explore what the certification is about, what the exam will encompass, and additional necessary steps to complete the Certification. The opportunity to share your experience with other Lean professionals is strongly encouraged during this review class. Individuals on a Lean Journey should consider this review class as the next step on their journey.
The Lean Certification review course will explore what the certification is about, what the exam will encompass, and additional necessary steps to complete the Certification. Any and all interested individuals are encouraged to attend.
Lean Certification provides benefits to both you and your employer.
Benefits to employees
• Provides a widely recognized and transportable lean certification credential.
• Documents your knowledge and skill to show that you qualify for new roles and responsibilities.
• Guides your lean journey, with each step mapped out.
• Offers opportunities to obtain mentoring to help you build your lean skills.
• Provides opportunities to learn through mentoring others.
Benefits to companies
• Provides a consensus-based tool for measuring proficiency of lean practitioners.
• Identifies true lean experts, removing uncertainty when engaging a consultant or hiring an employee.
• Helps align lean practices within the company, through supply chains and across industries.
• Provides customers with confidence that the organization's continuous improvement efforts will be
The exam is optional and an additional fee is required. To take the exam, you must apply and register at: Click on "apply" for the Bronze level. You must complete your certification application and confirm your exam date at least 3 weeks prior to taking the exam.
1090 Elm Street, Suite 202
Rocky Hill, CT 06067