Lean Registry Page
SME Chapter 148 Central Connecticut
Where manufacturing comes together
These are groups you can find at the SME LEAN REGISTRY

SME Tech Group: The Human Side of Lean

The SME Tech Group: The Human Side of Lean was initiated sometime around 2003 in form of regular conference calls. The reason for setting up this group was a common interest of some very nice individuals to find some answer to the extremely interesting question:

Lean and Green

A place for those interested in applying lean principles to environmental issues and moving along the path toward a truly sustainable company.

Lean Certification

In the spirit of continous improvement, this group is designed for those who would like to learn more about the certification process and for those who would like to share their experience to date with the process. Comments, questions, concerns, and success stories are all welcome.

SME Lean Manufacturing Enterprise Tech Group

This is a new space for the original Lean Tech Group (www.sme.org/lean) to renew, reform and restorm!
The Lean Manufacturing Enterprise Tech Group will:
• Engage members in practicing the discipline known as lean
• Increase lean awareness and implementation
• Use lean to...

Training Within Industry Group

A place for those familiar with, and those not familiar with, TWI's role in the lean enterprise.

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The Local SME Lean and Green Source for Connecticut Manufacturing